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Other Links to Dog Information

There are some great websites that pertain to animal care, safety and health.  These are some that we

have found helpful.  Hope you might too.  If there is a website that you would like to see here, please let

us know. is like the "internet hospital" that provides a wide variety of medical and health

information for your pets, including information on weight control, nutrition, physical exams, surgery, etc. has some great information on behavior and basic training, 1st Aid and CPR

tips, traveling with animals, etc.  has great information about pet adoption, spaying and neutering, animal care, animal

behavior and training.  There is also information on how you can help through donations, lobbying, etc. provides rescue services, care and adoption services.  They always can use

more volunteers (walking dogs, fostering pets, etc).


Anchorage Animal Control is part of the municipality and is where you can go for lost and found animals,

licensing, to find out about local animal laws, or to adopt an animal.  There are many animals there that need a good home.


Pet Sitters International is an organization created to educate professional pet-sitters, providing support

and services so we can do our best job caring for your pet. is the website dedicated to DeEtta's pet photography aspect of the business.

* Photography has always been one of DeEtta's passions. Although the majority of the photos on this

website were taken by her, many of them were just quick snapshots taken during our walks. The photo shoots help capture quality images that represent the personality of your pet.  Prices are located on the "Services" page of this website and examples of DeEtta's petphotography photos are located on their own website:  

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